Sunday, February 3, 2008

Song of the Day/Prediction

The Super Bowl is today. Finally. Much has been made about the Giants chances of ruining or making history tonight. While I do not expect them to be overwhelmed by the spectacle, I do expect them to be floored by New England. I actually had this predicted to be a close game earlier in the week until Sen. Specter mentioned them. Now they're going to use this as fuel to send a message. That is if you don't consider running over the rest of the league all season a message.

My prediction is lame, but I see the Patriots 38, Giants 14. I would be shocked if this were a game and completely floored if the Giants won. In other lame prediction news, look for Brady to win his third Super Bowl MVP. I know he needs one like he needs more sex with beautiful women, but it just cements his and the Patriots place in history.

And with that, here's your song of the day. Only one to choose from really.

Artist: Bears Shufflin' Crew
Song: Super Bowl Shuffle


Clyde Coleman said...

I got Pats 35 G-Men 28. That may be wishful thinking for the game to be that close, but that's what I got.

Tristan Davis said...

Pats 31
Geeeeeeee-Men 20

Also excellent choice for the song of the day. I guess it was really the only choice, but still I like it.

Tristan Davis said...

Glad we were wrong about that one.

Kelly Coleman said...

I'm still not sure what just happened. This is the best thing I've ever seen.

Writer said...

That was a great way to end, at least in my opinion, a very boring an unbalanced NFL season. Way to go Eli.

Kelly Coleman said...

I think that my favorite part about this video is the fact that the 'stars' of the '85 Bears are standing in front of a green screen that has the footage of the other guys.